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Litchfield Hills Probate Court, District #24:
Canaan, Cornwall, Harwinton, Kent, Litchfield, Morris, Norfolk, North Canaan, Salisbury, Sharon, Thomaston, and Warren

An Experienced
Probate Attorney
Committed to Serving
Northwest Connecticut
The Right Choice for
Your Local
Probate Court
November 8, 2022

Put Jordan's Experience to Work in Your Local Probate Court
Jordan is an experienced probate attorney who has handled hundreds of probate matters all over the State of Connecticut. His law practice assists clients with all kinds of probate issues, ranging from the preparation of simple Wills to complicated estate disputes. He has the necessary experience to serve as your local probate judge.
His law practice emphasizes the representation of individuals with disabilities, the elderly, and minor children. Several courts frequently appoint Jordan to represent these kinds of clients because he has the knowledge to protect their rights, ensure their safety, and connect them with appropriate services. Protecting vulnerable people is an important function of the probate court and Jordan has a history of doing so successfully.
Jordan's Goal: A Probate Court that Puts People First
The Litchfield Hills Probate Court has a long history of outstanding service to its constituents. Under Jordan's leadership, anyone who needs the assistance of the court will be treated with respect, dignity, and compassion. He will make sure that all the court's matters are adjudicated fairly and promptly.
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